Workshops and Games
We provide workshops and Serious Games tailored to raise awareness and train your teams in inclusion, equity, and diversity. These sessions serve to enhance skills in inclusive practices and underscore the advantages of a diverse corporate culture. Through interactive activities, employees engage with the challenges and successes of inclusion, emphasizing the significance of a supportive work environment for all.

Our workshops and games

The Diversity Fresco
The Diversity Fresco is a collective intelligence workshop that allows participants to experiment with the cognitive mechanisms at work when it comes to discrimination, to discover approaches aimed at reducing it, to debate their scope and their limits, while acquiring a common vocabulary to engage in constructive dialogue and bring about a more inclusive and peaceful society.

The Equity Fresco
Based on the Fresque du Climat model, this educational tool is designed to address gender equality issues in an interactive, visual and powerful way. It features a fun, collaborative format, with some forty illustrated cards.

A board game and training tool to raise awareness of situations of exclusion that we experience on a daily basis, but don’t necessarily interpret as such. The game raises our awareness of difference and confronts us with our unconscious biases.

The Inclusion Circle
Participants work together to create a mural highlighting the mechanisms that reinforce inclusion, diversity and equity. Immersive games and activities punctuate the creation of the mural to stimulate participants’ empathy.

Playing against Sexism
Thwart sexisme is a game designed to raise awareness of sexism in the workplace. The aim is to help players change the way they look at a situation they or a colleague have experienced.
Its aim is not to raise systemic awareness of the problem, but to provide concrete, everyday examples of individual actions to be taken.

Dive In
Dive In immerses players in real-life cases of exclusion or discrimination experienced in the workplace: how to act as a witness or victim of a problematic situation? Who should they turn to? It’s up to them to come up with the most appropriate solutions to make the company an inclusive place! The game tackles the following themes: Chronic illness, Transidentity, Financial Vulnerability, Sexual Orientation, Ageism, Parenting & Disability.

Why choose a Workshop or Game over a traditional training tourse?
Unlike traditional training courses, collective intelligence workshops and “serious games” provide participants with the freedom to explore and engage in their own way. This approach is essential for addressing intimate, personal beliefs, such as stereotypes and prejudices. Additionally, it offers your teams a fun and convivial setting to share ideas, thereby strengthening bonds and cohesion among employees. Team-building activities like these not only improve communication but also boost overall team motivation and morale.